Due to lifting of pandemic restrictions, the Parrot Head Club of Richmond has resumed in-person meetings.
The Parrot Head Club of Richmond meets for a business meeting on the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm at Sidecar Lounge. We also meet for a social activity on a regular basis but with irregular dates, locations to be announced in advance via the club calendar on our website (phcor.com) or Instagram (parrotheadclubofrichmondva), or our Facebook page (Parrothead Club of Richmond)
Come on out and get to know us, then ask for an application or use one of the two provided below.
2022 Board of Directors
President – Scott Street
Vice-President – Karla McDonald
Secretary – Russ Arsenault
Treasurer – Kevin DeWitt
Stacy Street
Travis Wood
Dee Russell
Questions? For more information about joining our club, contact us at phcofrichmond@gmail.com. Annual dues are $25 per person, and are pro-rated for new members depending on month of application.
The PDF membership application may be returned by email to phcofrichmond@gmail.com.